martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

Water rocket rebuilding

This weekenf I have make a pressurization test with the water rocket with boosters. The launcher got some leaks and I spent over 7 hours making tests and resolving the problems. Now the launcher don´t got leaks. But when I was making the tests a booster comes up and it start a leak over the nozzle sit. The cause are the pins that are all diferent, so the retention tubes are not at the same level.

So I have taken a dificult decision I will rebuild the rocket and the boosters,but, this time better. In these days after the weekend I have spent a lot of hours working on it, now I have made better retention tubes, in this image you can see the new tubes, it got 8mm of diameter and 5cm of long. And new fins that are some smaller and better that the anterior fins.

Fortunatly I can use the upper half of the rocket wich got installed the lug.

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